Thank you for visiting our page. We are excited that you came. Come inside and see what great things we are doing in the schools and community. We hope that we will have the pleasure of servicing your needs. Again, thank you for visiting with us today, we know your time is valuable. -Hopeful Change-
We seek to maximize the holistic integration of your mind, body, and spirit through avenues of mentoring/enrichment programs (via life skills/strategies), counseling/therapeutic services, consultation, community outreach (along with development/event planning), sports/youth camps, life coaching/motivational speaking, seminars/workshops/trainings and fundraising. We are hopeful that with assistance you will be able to create a new-found respect for your wellness and well-being, as you are able to incorporate learned strategies to improve your daily functioning. We believe that every problem has a solution and believe that through our years of experience, we are equipped to help you find the solutions to your problems, whether big or small.
Our goal is
to improve the academic achievement, self-esteem, social competence, and avoidance of problem/high-risk behavior by providing a nurturing relationship with a qualified and professionally trained mentor. Our mentors focus on helping our youth achieve their highest potential in life. Our mentoring program was developed over 18 years ago, based on the growing need for life skills, decision making, team building, coping skills, financial literacy and educational support for our youth. We are privileged to have mentored over 8,000 youth.
Community Events & Outreach
Community Events & Outreach
We believe that in order to be effective, it is necessary to meet people where they’re at; homes, schools, churches, community centers, prisons, etc. We believe that as people in the helping profession, it is our purpose to do what we do daily, and therefore are always seeking to use our God given gifts and talents to edify the people in the community that we serve every day. We have developed several community partnerships over the years with non-profit organizations, schools, corporations, entertainers and professional athletes to provide multiple events throughout the year.
Counseling & Therapy
Counseling & Therapy
It is our belief that each child/youth/person has the capacity to grow and reach their full potential; however, at times, merely needs some assistance along the way. We are passionate about fostering hope and creating change through the utilization of evidenced-based treatment modalities, such as cognitive behavioral therapy and person-centered therapy, to assist with navigating the process and implementing effective change. Motivated by compassion, we understand that the many transitions throughout life affects one's emotional, mental, physical, physiological, and spiritual well-being, which is why it is vitally important to us to provide high standards of holistic care via support and excellent service delivery to the whole person.
We seek to garner the involvement of the community via corporate and private partners, sponsorships, donations, grants and the like, in order to have the necessary financial support to foster true, holistic change as a community. With over 20 years of experience in fundraising, we have proudly maintained a reputation of integrity and transparency regarding our fundraising efforts for our youth and their families.
Educational & Enrichment Programs
Educational & Enrichment Programs
We believe that education is the fundamental building block and key principle to unlock opportunities of success for our youth. We are dedicated to helping our students achieve academic excellence and pride ourselves on our commitment to each youth through both educational and enrichment programs. We have scholarship programs and literacy and educational incentive programs, which are all designed to promote and reward academic excellence.
Sports & Youth Camps
Sports & Youth Camps
Our goal is to promote positive youth development through sports and youth camps. We believe our camps are essential in the social and emotional development of our youth. Our camps provide our youth with the opportunities to play, learn and grow, inspiring them to recognize their potential and realize their dreams. Our camps provide a fun and safe environment for fundamental, individual skills training and team building skills for our youth.
Thank you so much. I truly appreciate you going above and beyond to help me and my family. If it was not for Hopeful Change I would be dead or in jail... but I am proud to say because you cared enough to listen to me, help me and teach me... I'm in college. The first in my family but not the last! Thanks Mr. "DT" for believing in me but more importantly teaching me to believe in myself.
J. Dewberry - Class of 2018'